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Opis: A symposium co-sponsored by the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and the Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry at the 153rd National Meeting, Miami Beach, Fla. April 13-14, 1967. J. W. Van Valkenburg, Symposium Chairman ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1969 str. 212, stan db (podniszczona lekko okładka, zakurzona, nieaktualne pieczątki) ISBN FOREWORD Advances in Chemistry Series was founded in 1949 by the American Chemical Society as an outlet for symposia and collections of data in special areas of topical interest that could not be accommodated in the Society's journals. It provides a medium for symposia that would otherwise be fragmented, their papers distributed among several journals or not published at all. Papers are refereed critically according to ACS editorial standards and receive the careful attention and processing characteristic of ACS publications. Papers published in Advances in Chemistry Series are original contributions not published elsewhere in whole or major part and include reports of research as well as reviews since symposia may embrace both types of presentation. CONTENTS 1. The Physical and Colloidal Chemical Aspects of Pesticidal Formulations Research: A Challenge J. W. Van Valkenburg 2. Rapid Estimation of the Critical Surface Tension of Fibers . John P. Mutchler, John Menkart, and Anthony M. Schwartz 3. The Effect of Hydrophile—Lipophile Balance on Contact Angle of Solutions of Nonionic Surface-Active Agents. Relation to Adjuvant Effects Paul Becher and David Becher 4. Contribution of Micelles to the Transport of a Water-Insoluble Substance through a Membrane Karol J. Mysels 5. Vapor Pressure of Pesticides John W. Hamaker and Herbert O. Kerlinger 6. The Role of Surfactants in Modifying the Activity of Herbicidal Sprays Chester L. Foy and Leon W. Smith 7. Physicochemical Principles in Formulating Pesticides Relating to Biological Activity V. H. Freed and J. M. Witt 8. The Decomposition of Guthion in ZV-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone and Buty-rolactone John C. Harvey, Gary A. King, and James W. Young 9. Correlation of Carrier Properties with Malathion Stability Garth Coombs 10. Parameters Affecting the Performance and Storage Stability of DDT 75% Water-Dispersible Powder John F. Donahue, Mary B. Goette, and James W. Miles 11. Evaporation of Pesticides G. S. Hartley 12. Evaluation of Spray Drift Potential , K. G. Seymour 13. The Formation of Spray Drops from Viscous Fluids R. E. Ford and C. G. L. Furmidge 14. Formulations for Controlled Release of Abate in Water James W. Miles and James E. Woehst 15. Formulation and Structure of Residual Insecticides for Bark Beetle Control ' Robert L. Lyon Index |