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Opis: PWN —POLISH SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS 1976 str. 520, stan db (podniszczona lekko okładka, zakurzona, nieaktualne pieczątki) ISBN This book provides a broad coverage of theoretical principles of most methods used in electrochemical analysis. It also contains practical material for making and interpreting electrochemical measurements in analysis, research quality control or advanced study. The book concentrates on polarography, stationary electrode voltammetry, chronopotentiometry and rotating disc electrode techniques, which are the four methods in most general use today; and includes cyclic voltage methods, the ring and disc electrode techniques, and most other electroanalytical methods. Numerous solved problems are presented with over 1200 generalized mathematical equations. Over 1000 references to the literature include valuable East European sources. This English edition has been edited by Dr. G. F. Reynolds, Director of The Research Laboratory of Instrument Physics, Reading University. (Ellis Horwood Series in Analytical Chemistry: Editor, Dr. R. A. Chalmers, Aberdeen University). Market: Electrochemists, analytical chemists and physical chemists in industry, research and advanced studies in universities and polytechnics. The important industries include metals, pharmaceuticals, plastics, medicine and biochemistry; also all industries where pure products or quality control demand analysis for trace constituents and impurities. Additional applications are concerned with effluent control and pollution. jacket design James Gillison |